take stock of

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take stock of

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:31:54

英 [teik stɔk ɔv]

美 [tek stɑk ʌv]

take stock of基本解释

估量; 清查; 鉴定; 估计


  • 网络解释

1. 估量,观察:take stock in购买(公司相信 | take stock of估量,观察 | substitute for sth.替代物

2. take stock of的翻译

2. 估计:take stock in 注意 | take stock of 估计 | take stock 清查存货

3. 估计, 观察:10. elaborate adj. 精心制作的 | 11. take stock of估计, 观察 | 12. fondly adv. 怜爱地, 柔情地

4. (对情况.某人的能力等)进行检查.评估和鉴定:1170take pride in参加 | 1171take stock of(对情况.某人的能力等)进行检查.评估和鉴定 | 1172take... for...把...误认为...

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
As part of a migration assessment, it is important to take stock of the various types of components in your application.(作为移植评估的一部分,把应用程序的各种组件做个评估是很重要的。)
It was time to take stock of the situation.(是估量形势的时候了。)
Stella: Yes, but first we should take stock of the entire market.(史黛拉:对啊,不过首先我们得评估整个市场。)
In deciding a man's assignment, we should take stock of his training and qualifications.(在规定一个人的任务时,我们要考虑他受过的训练和各方面的条件。)
Key points: Take stock of your weaknesses before the interview.(要点:在参加面试之前,估量一下自己的劣势到底是什么。)
Summertime's also a great time to take stock of your friendships, since you have more time and aren't as distracted by work or school.(夏日时光是个帮你积累有益的黄金时期,因为你有了更多的时间,没有像工作或学校里那么容易分心。)
Take stock of what you need to learn, and find ways to learn it.(想想你需要学的知识,然后找机会去学习。)
Stop TB Partnership Board meets in Washington, D.C. to take stock of disease’s burden 10 years after movement’s founding.(遏制结核病伙伴合作组织协调委员会成员齐聚华盛顿,总结该机构成立十年来在结核病防治方面取得的成果。)
It's time to take stock of what we have achieved so far, so that we can make realistic plans for the future.(现在是时候估量一下我们已经取得的成就了,这样我们才能为将来制定现实的计划。)
So take stock of your emotional state, and know what you want in the aftermath of a breakup.(因此,请估量一下你的情绪状态,知道分手后你想要的到底是什么。)
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